What is soft tissue therapy?
Soft tissue therapy involves the assessment, treatment, and management of soft tissue injury, pain, and dysfunction. It encompasses techniques like massage, stretching, and manual manipulation to alleviate pain, improve mobility, and promote healing.
What conditions can soft tissue therapy treat?
Soft tissue therapists have the ability and skills to treat a wide range of conditions including muscle strains, ligament sprains, tendinitis, bursitis, myofascial pain syndrome, and chronic pain conditions like fibromyalgia. I have also had really good results treating Cerebal Palsy, Parkinsons and also arthritis relief.
How is soft tissue therapy different from a regular massage?
Soft tissue therapy and regular massage may involve hands-on techniques, soft tissue therapy is typically more focused on treating specific injuries or pain, using clinical assessment and targeted techniques. Regular massages are often more general and aimed at relaxation.
What techniques are used in soft tissue therapy?
Soft tissue therapists will use a range of techniques including deep tissue massage, trigger point therapy, myofascial release, stretching, soft tissue release, neuromuscular release, positional release, friction massage, and muscle energy techniques. The specific approach depends on the condition being treated. in a treatment session I may use some or all of these treatments to get the desired result
Is soft tissue therapy painful?
Some techniques may cause discomfort, especially if there are tight or constricted muscles. However, I aim to work within a patient's pain tolerance and comfort level to ensure effective treatment without unnecessary pain.
What should I expect during my first soft tissue therapy session?
I will always conduct a thorough assessment, including a medical history review and physical examination. Then we will discuss your symptoms and goals, create a treatment plan for you and start with some initial therapy.
Are there any side effects of soft tissue therapy?
Common side effects fron soft tissue therapy can include mild soreness, bruising, or fatigue, which usually subside within a day or two. Throughout any treatment I will keep asking you about how painful or how uncomfortable the treatment is. It is important to communicate with me about any discomfort during and after treatment, this is to ensure we are woking the effected area effectivley
How soon will I see results from soft tissue therapy?
Some people experience immediate relief, while others may need several sessions to notice significant improvements. The rate of progress depends on factors like the severity and duration of the condition, as well as the individual’s overall health.
Can soft tissue therapy prevent injuries?
Yes, regular soft tissue therapy can help maintain muscle flexibility, improve circulation, and reduce muscle tension, which can contribute to preventing injuries, especially for athletes and individuals with physically demanding jobs.